FAQ Thimbleberry
Thank you for visiting my site and supporting local Indigenous entrepreneurs. If you have a question, please read through the below FAQ. If you’re question is not answered here, please reach out to me via direct message on Instagram or by email to hello.thimbleberrydesigns@gmail.com.
1. How do I place and order?
You can place an order directly through my site. I will update my Instagram profile regularly with the next collection release date and time.
Please note that if you have an item in your shopping cart that does not mean you’ve secured the item. Please proceed to check out to guarantee your purchase. Most items are very limited and in small quantities.
2. The item I wanted is sold out. Can I place a custom order for it?
A few custom order spots will open up each collection release. Keep your eyes out for more details and availability.
3. Do you do custom orders? If so, when are spots they available?
I will periodically have custom order spots available. The number available is limited. Keep in eye on the collection release dates and times to secure a spot through the website, same as a direct purchase. Once you’ve finalized your purchase through the site you can expect to hear from me within 48 hours via email or Instagram direct message to discuss your order preferences.
The amount of time it will take to complete and ship your order depends, but will be clearly stated on my site in the item description. Custom orders include your choice of colour combination, including beads and Pellon. The pattern available for custom order is predetermined and a photo of a prototype will be posted when the spots are available.
4. Shipping
Thimbleberry ships to residents of Canada, United States and Mexico.
All items shipped will be sent and tracked through Canada Post. Shipping costs will be automatically generates at check out and cost will depend on your location.
5. Packaging
I do my absolute best to ensure all the packaging is recyclable. Hopefully you have a recycling facility available to you.
6. How do I care for your beadwork?
Beadwork is best stored laying flat or hanging and away from direct sunlight. Please keep away from sharp objects. Beadwork is made with glass beads and nylon thread, so be gentle and care for your beauties.
7. Returns/Exchanges
Thimbleberry does not accept returns or exchanges. If you have purchased and item and it got damaged please reach out to me via email or Instagram direct message. I will do my best to fix the item for you within reason. Please save as many of the original beads as possible. Depending on my current bead stock I may or may not have the same colours as your original design.
Hiy hiy (Thank you)